Friday, November 2, 2012

Closing Your Loan

If you’re in the process of obtaining a mortgage loan then you are probably interested in getting to closing as quickly and efficiently as possible.  In previous blogs we have discussed how to get to closing; what you need to have and what you can expect through the process, but what happens when you get to the finish line? Your application for a mortgage loan has been approved and you have received a commitment letter from us. The final step before you can call the house your own is the closing, or settlement, of the purchase transaction and mortgage loan. You will have to sign a purchase agreement and your loan request will be approved, but you still have no rights to the property, including access, until the legal title to the property is transferred to you and loan is closed. You should have an understanding of what is involved in the closing process, and here I discuss what you need to do to finish up this process.

When you get to closing, you will sign the necessary documents, the seller will transfer the deed to the property, funds will be collected and disbursed and the closing agent will record the necessary instruments to give you legal ownership of the property. Settlement of a mortgage loan is a legal process, so specific procedures and requirements will vary according to state and local laws. This information applies to closing practices in our area.

As soon as you receive firm approval from us, the lender handling your loan, you will want to confirm the actual date of loan closing. An estimated closing date was probably specified in the sale contract, but a firm date needs to be set by your agent.  The loan closing date will include representation, either in person or through documentation, of all the necessary parties - the buyer, the seller of the property, the party’s agents, the title company, and your lender. Your loan commitment can expire, as can the rate lock agreement, so the settlement date should be set with that in mind.  The settlement date also has to allow adequate time to assemble all of the required documentation. The real estate agents involved in the sale transaction and the lender are often the best people to coordinate the closing arrangements, since they are the most knowledgable and experienced in this area. Most lenders require at least three to five days advance notice of the closing date in order to prepare the loan documents and get them to the closing agent.

Examples of documents that may be required for closing:

  • ·         Title Insurance Policy
  • ·         Termite Inspection and Certification
  • ·         Survey or Plot Plan
  • ·         Water and Sewer Certification
  • ·         Homeowner’s Insurance
  • ·         Flood Insurance
  • ·         Certificate of Occupancy or Building Code Compliance Letter

Closing your home loan is a standard process in home ownership, but it there are variances for individual situations. Your process may be shorter or longer than your neighbors and this could be due to the documents needed, the seller’s specifications, the house’s necessary repairs, and your financial agreement. Contact me for only the highest quality lending and begin the process of homeownership.

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