Friday, June 29, 2012

The Importance of Refinancing Your Home

Now is the time to buy a home, and you've probably heard that from multiple sources; the news has been reporting it, friends may be telling you, and we've written about it in previous blogs. The reason for this is the low interest rates, actually the lowest they've been in many years. The same reason it is a good time to buy is the reason it's a great time to refinance. Refinancing takes your current loan and applies the current interest rate to a newly designed loan, thus lowering your monthly payment and total owed. In this blog we will are discussing why refinancing your home is something you absolutely should consider.

A decrease of just a quarter to a half of a percentage point in interest can drastically decrease your monthly payment. By not refinancing at these low rates, you could be paying much more than necessary.  There are a few ways you can lower your monthly mortgage payment:

Refinance to a lower interest rate
Change the term of your mortgage
Refinance to an interest-only loan

Refinancing to a lower interest rate will decrease your monthly payment. Changing the term of your mortgage means you can change it from a 15 year mortgage to a 30 year mortgage. You would do this to spread the balance of your mortgage over a longer period of time and reduce your monthly payment. However, if one of your financial goals is saving long term and you have a 30-year mortgage,  you may want to shorten the term to 15 or 20 years. You will be paying more monthly, but you will be paying much less in interest over term of the loan, which would save you thousands. If you refinance to an interest-only loan, the amount you pay monthly is the interest for a limited amount of time, but you can pay as much principal as you like on top. This is desirable because once you pay all of the interest, you will have a lower mortgage payment and surplus of funds. 

Right now the interest rates are the lowest they've been in years, which means refinancing your home is a very attractive financial strategy.   At Intercoastal Mortgage Company we specialize in the purchasing and refinancing of homes and we would be happy to help you in the process. You could go from an outrageous interest rate to a low rate just from doing a little paperwork. Contactme and together we can refinance your home.

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